Our Impact
HART by the Numbers
HART for Animals serves the general population of Western Maryland and, to a lesser degree, the surrounding communities in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Potential adopters, pet owners, animal lovers, and volunteers of all ages take advantage of the services available at the HART facilities. And it is those services that allow us to continue to save 1,000 animal lives every year.
These are our latest figures to date.
HART's 2024 Impact: Adoptions, Transfers & Animals in Our Care
Animals Saved Since 2015 (By Year)
Animals Saved Since 2003 = 14,470
Spay/Neuter Services for Low Income Families
States Served

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man.”
— Mahatma Gandhi
Our 2023-2024 Goals
Goal 1:
Secure a fully engaged board by the end of 2024
1. Recruit new Board Members who understand and support the mission.
2. Create Board committees as per the bylaws to support the programs and the facility.
3. Every Board Member will participate on a Board Committee as a member, chair, or co-chair.
4. All Board Members will support HART by donating to one of the organization’s programs, or sponsorship of an event.
Goal 2:
Increase income to maintain the $500,000 program budget and provide funding for the $1.75 minimum wage increase to support the HART Mission.
1. Explore & consider alternative/innovative revenue streams.
2. Create and initiate a corporate sponsorship plan that will acquire and retain corporate partners.
3. Identify new grant opportunities through Foundation Search.
4. Evaluate existing fundraising events to maximize revenues in 2024.
Goal 3:
Streamline operations that increase revenue and reduce expenses.
1. Complete a professional financial and operational analysis to maximize efficiencies within the organization.
2. Recruit an additional veterinarian (this was completed in March of 2023).
3. Evaluate the need for a second surgical room to help support our mission of helping to reduce animal overpopulation in our community and serving the needs of low-income families.
4. Continue to grow our savings and investment accounts to help safeguard HART against future economic downturns.